Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Right Side will ALWAYS be the Wrong Side

So as most of you know, the Great British Empire in all of its wisdom decided that we will drive on the left side of the road. Despite the fact the majority of people write with their right hand, especially in those days when children were forced to use their right hand despite their natural instincts. So forever more we are forced to struggle when driving around most of the rest of the world. My first personal encounter with this problem was in early October of last year during my first semester on this adventure in the States. We were all given the Friday off University to travel to Dallas, Texas to watch the OU American Football team play the University of Texas on the Saturday (more on this in the next post). Before you ask, yes you did read that correctly, our classes were cancelled in the name of a football game. Thank you America.

As you can imagine I was more than happy to be a passenger during this simple three hour trip… Especially when it turned into a not so simple five and a half hour trip due to traffic made up entirely of OU college students racing to Dallas. It wasn't until Monday night when we were travelling back from Houston that it was my turn to take the wheel, being chauffeured for six hours was apparently too much to ask for, who would have known? So lil ole me hopped up in the front of this huge Cadalliac four wheel drive and took on the Texas highway, on the wrong side of the road. For the first twenty minutes the radio was banned, my new and improved personal speed limit was 50mph and no one was allowed to speak. I think I made the top of around 752 truck driver’s hit list that night, but we made it home in one piece and my fear was broken. Since then I've acquired more millage on the wrong side of the road than I have the right side. And trust me, you’ll hear all about that later.

Moral of the story: However familiar it is for the rest of the world, the right side will always be the wrong side. 

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