Sunday, November 17, 2013

GW Rescue Zoo

Yesterday I had one of the most amazing experiences of my life...

My flatmates and I decided to take a day trip to an animal rescue park in Wynnewood Oklahoma where they allow you to take a tour of their endangered animals and interact with some of the babies. I was lucky enough to hold a baby alligator, several snakes, baby pigs, skunks and a baby tiger.
Upon arrival we drove into a small carpark only big enough for around 12 cars and found our way to a small shop which served as the entrance. There we were greeted by two women, one cradling a baby human and the other placing a baby snake in her hair where it remained quite content for the rest of the day!

Its safe to say the park was very humbly run by volunteers, most of which are from the same local families. It has no grand entrance, fancy signs or expensive food stands.. It is simply a park filled with animals which you can experience up close and personal guided by people who have dedicated their time to learn about and get to know the animals you're handling. It was a very grounding experience to appreciate the animals for what they are - beautiful - and see what people are doing out there to try and conserve their natural environment as well as breed those they have in captivity so that my children, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren can also experience what I did today.

As well as hold many of the baby animals I also got to see the white tigers feeding time, which was slightly terrifying, and meet a very angry goat who took great pleasure in throwing himself full force at the feet of a camel which i'm told is his best friend, who would have thought? I also saw my very first Liger - offspring of a Lion and a Tiger - which was breed and born in the park. Ligers have no growth gene so they continually grow throughout their lives. The one I saw was 7 years old and already larger than both its parents and will only continue to grow!

So playful you forget it could be dangerous..

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