Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The happiest 5K in the world

For those of you who know me you'll know I ran my first 5K 'The Colour Run' in early October in Oklahoma City... Now for this post I'm going to play catch-up and tell you all about it although it happened weeks before I began this blog.

The above picture was taken when myself and my international friends finished the run and amazing 'paint party' that followed. Now i've never been greatly athletic but I was very proud of myself when I managed to jog/run the whole 5K and not look like the usual beetroot I've been known to turn into after exercise. This however was not the most exciting part of the run for me.. The most exciting part was that it wasn't cancelled! See, the night before the run I witnessed first hand my first of Oklahoma's thunderstorms and I must say, it was not fun.

The whole day we'd been having severe weather warnings however the sky was blue, sun was out and it was around 22 degrees if I remember right. It wasn't until midnight when I was cycling back from a friends birthday party that it started to pour down with rain, despite that I managed to fall asleep only to be awoken at 3am by the brightest flashes of light I have ever seen and thunder so loud I thought my ceiling was caving in. When I realized I wasn't getting back to sleep any time soon I received two text messages from two friends living in other apartments who were equally as terrified as I was..After an hour it finally calmed down to the point I was able to fall back to sleep. When I woke at 6.30am ready to leave for the city in time for the 5K it was still dark and windy outside but the rain had subsided. No one knew whether we'd be able to run or not but by 9am the sun was shinning and all was back to how it should be - summer time in October!

I guess that's what Oklahoma weather is all about. Crazy.

Back to the point of this whole blog, I would totally recommend anyone who gets the chance to do the colour run do it! The whole run they provide you with paint packets to throw at each other and at the end all participants surround a stage playing music and throwing paint everywhere. I mean, what more could you want?

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