Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Weather Report: Norman Oklahoma

So far I've briefly touched on the weather here... In my last post I mentioned how overnight it can go from a terrifying thunderstorm to clear blue skies and temperature in the 20's and all my photos so far have been me enjoying the beautiful sunshine however this week the weather took a turn for the worse. 

Now naturally in the winter you would expect the weather to get cold, right? Wrong. It has become apparent to me that the whole of Oklahoma is in denial about the fact the weather is not always humid and sunny... Unfortunate I know, but ignoring the problem does not make the cold go away however hard you may try. 

Amount of snow which caused school to be shut
I say they are in denial as the second they see ice, they shut down the bridges, restaurants and even University.  A friend of mine said she was too scared to drive in the cold, what concerned me most was that she is Austrian and should be used to it. When I questioned her she gave me the best piece of advice I could of asked for at this time of the year "The roads are dangerous not because of the ice but because Americans don't know how to drive in it". Now 'Americans' is a large generalisation but certainly is correct for the people of Norman as they can't learn to drive in conditions they hide from. 

Growing up in Wales I am used to cold winters, more recently I've even become accustomed to snow but I have never in my life felt cold like I have here. When it is cold, it is freezing! Its a chilling cold which gets you right through to your bones... Needless to say last week I purchased two coats, two scarves, a wooly hat and a pair of gloves in good old British fashion. The Oklahomans are still walking around in rain boots, macs and leggings but at least i'm warm!

If the weather here was a person it would have bipolar. Saturday I was kitted out for the ski slopes and still cold, today I'm walking around in the sun in jeans and t-shirt and i'm still warm. Go figure. Today we're having highs of 20 and by Thursday it is going to drop to below 0 and we can expect more 'snow' and ice. 

                                                            Wish me luck. 

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