Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The dream to document

'Living the dream' is what everyone wants to do, right? And when you do it you want everyone to know about it, right? Well, when I boarded a plane at Heathrow headed for Oklahoma on the 9th of August 2013 knowing I would be gone for a whole year, the one thing I wanted to do was remember..

I wanted to remember the group of 'Cowboy Christians', fully equipped with matching cowboy hats and boots, who comforted me when I suddenly realised exactly how long a year was.  

I wanted to remember the American man I had the great pleasure of sitting next to whose words of wisdom about world peace became more and more humble with every bottle of red wine he devoured.

I wanted to remember the overwhelming excitement landing in Dallas not knowing what to expect. I will unfortunately never forget the chaos that welcomed me at that airport with people climbing under barriers to get to their plane on time accompanied by elderly women complaining about the rush that my generation is always in.

Most of all I wanted to remember to document each of these fleeting moments in my diary, I wanted to document this dream I was now living in... However that is the one thing I did not remember and for that reason I have began this blog.

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